Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer


by:Mech     2020-08-08
1, check whether the electromagnetic valve is normal, whether the coil loss or poor contact, the solenoid valve core will be stuck. 维修方法:更换线圈清理电磁阀上卡住的东西以上方法没用就更换电磁阀。 2 、单边供气检验气动执行器查看是否正常工作如气缸活塞窜气、缸体与端盖或转轴处漏气等。 维修方法:拆开执行器检查密封件是否已损坏气缸内孔表面是否已损坏。 Change is bad sealing ring, replace the piston, or cylinder. 3, check whether there is something inside the Industrial Valves or valve ball core board. Maintenance methods: clean up the impurities or replacement has been damaged valves. 4, check whether manual actuator lever in position to manually. Maintenance methods: pull the lever to pneumatic automatic position. 5, check whether the pipe is distorted and squashed. Maintenance methods: correct or replace piping. 6, check whether medium or ambient temperature is too low, causing pipe freezing. Maintenance methods; Instant removal of condensation water, add water equipment.
wedge valve is an inevitable and critical part of being a manufacturer, and it's more complicated than just manufacturing products and serving customers.
You can count on Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd. to be your one stop shopping site for most of the quality products you are searching for. We strive to offer a wide variety of products for you to learn about and to purchase. 
In a nutshell, is actually an ultimate solution for os & y valve fire protection and underestimating its value cost you higher than anything else. So grab it before you miss the boat.
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