Automatic exhaust valve used in water supply system
When the system has a gas overflow, gas along the pipe up, eventually gathered at the highest point of the system, and automatic exhaust valve is generally installed in the system, when the gas into the vent valve cavity gathered in the upper portion of the exhaust valve, with the increasing of the gas inside the Industrial Valves, pressure rise, when gas pressure is greater than the system pressure, the gas can make the cavity of the water drops, buoy with water level drops, open the vent;
Gas, after the water level rise, buoy also rose, close the vent.
Likewise, when negative pressure is formed in system, valve chamber in the water drops, vent open, because the outside atmospheric pressure is greater than the system pressure, so the atmosphere through the vent into the system, avoid the harm of negative pressure.
Such as tighten exhaust valve cap on the valve body, automatic exhaust valve to stop the exhaust, under normal circumstances, the bonnet should be in an open position.
Exhaust valve must be installed vertically, must ensure that the valve body buoy is in vertical position, not horizontal or inverted installation;
Due to the smaller gas density than water along the pipe will climb to the highest point system and gathered here, in order to improve the efficiency of exhaust, the highest point of the exhaust valve is generally installed in the system;
In order to facilitate maintenance, exhaust valve, generally used together with isolation valve, so remove the exhaust valve does not need to shut down the system;
After installation of exhaust valve must loosen the black dust cap to vent, but can not be completely removed, one thousand exhaust valve leakage occurs, tighten the dust cap.
Hvac system in gas circulation pipe damage.
The main hazards are the following: 1.
Contributed to the pipeline corrosion, because oxygen is present in the gas, more prone to physical or chemical reaction;
Form the air blocking, reduce the air conditioning cooling or heating effect, waste a lot of energy, and low carbon environmental protection concept is now;
Affect the water cycle, which leads to circular vortex air pump, circulating pump idling burn out!
So in hvac water system will be installed in the automatic exhaust valve.
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The average consumer is always looking for ways to save money while finding out solutions, is designed for killing two birds with one stone, providing a perfect solution to wedge gate valve problems.
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gate valve are less complex compared with os & y valve fire protection.