Corrosion resistance of the valve
the corrosion of the valve, is generally understood as a v-shaped adjustment valve ball Industrial Valves metal materials in the chemical or electrochemical environment under the action of the damage. Due to the corrosion phenomena appeared in the metal and the surrounding environment of spontaneous interaction, how will the metal with the surrounding environment or more isolated from the use of non-metallic composite material, is the key point of anti-corrosion.
the valve body ( Including the cover) , occupy most of the weight of the valve, and is often contact with the medium, so choose the valve, often from the valve body material.
body corrosion, comes in two forms, namely, chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion. The corrosion rate of it depends on the medium temperature, pressure, chemical properties and corrosion resistance of the body material. Corrosion rate can be divided into six etc.
1, completely corrosion resistant: corrosion speed below zero. 001 mm/year
2, corrosion resistant, corrosion speed of 0. 001 to 0. 01 mm/year
3, corrosion resistant, corrosion speed of 0. To 0 01. 1 mm/year
4, it is corrosion resistant, corrosion speed of 0. 1 to 1. 0 mm/year
5, poor corrosion resistance: 1 corrosion speed. 0 to 10 mm/year
6, no corrosion, corrosion speed is greater than 10 mm/year
body of anti-corrosion, mainly is the right to choose material. Although anticorrosion materials is very rich, but can choose appropriate, or not easy thing, because the problem of corrosion is very complex, such as sulfuric acid at low concentrations to steel corrosion resistance, high concentration, make steel passivation membrane, corrosion resistance; To show only under high temperature and high pressure hydrogen corrosion of steel is very strong, chlorine gas in the dry state when corrosion is not large, with a certain humidity, strong corrosion performance of many materials can't use. Choose the difficulty of the body material, also is not only considered the corrosion problem, at the same time must consider pressure and heat-resistant ability, economically reasonable, buy whether factors such as easily. So you have to is in the heart.
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