Electric gate valves price analysis
the current domestic electric gate valve factory is numerous, for the first time, we first contact, procurement staff are several Industrial Valves manufacturers inquiry and do a comparison. Each manufacturer will find basic price is different. Electric gate valves price difference embodies in there, today small make up for you in our company. First gate aspects, such as pressure, material, diameter, different price certainly is not the same. Such as Z41H - This gate will certainly than Z41H - 100 c The prices in 25 c a lot. We take 100 caliber to contrast, Z41H - 100 c DN100 our unit price is 1500. And Z41H - 25 to 750 c. And material contrast, common material for, cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, etc. The price is from low to high. Electric gate valves price actually mostly lies in the electric actuator, different brand and different models. The price difference between them. Customer will definitely question, why is there so big difference, because is different actuators provide power, efficiency. For our valve pipe on the stability of the products has great influence. If you have this don't understand can contact us. Valves, Industrial Valves experts around you!
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