Introduction to gate valves and common sense in the application of the power plant thermal system
there are a large number of thermal system in power plant piping, these pipes have different purposes, to each of the pipes and connections of equipment can meet the requirements of the operation of the thermal system, what the valve requires scientific choice, according to the function of the system to choose the appropriate valve connected to the pipe and equipment, so as to achieve the needs of the system function, according to many years of experience in here talk about gate valve a little common sense, and in the power plant thermal system which can be used in the system.
1, the classification of gategate valve in accordance with the sealing surface configuration can be divided into wedge type gate Industrial Valves and parallel sluice gate valve gate, wedge gate valve gate can be divided into: single gate type, double disc and flexible disc; Parallel slide gate valve can be divided into single ram and double ram. According to the threads of the valve stem position, can be divided into rising stem gate valves and dark bar gate valve two kinds.
gate valves, including gate valve body and disc, ram has two sealing surface, the two most commonly used mode gate valve sealing surface form a wedge, the wedge Angle vary with the valve parameters, wedge sluice gate valve is the valve disc is wedge, single ram is a single ram, double ram type is two ram. Wedge gate valve of the damper can be made into a whole, is called a rigid disc; Can also make it generates trace of deformation of ram, in order to improve the manufacturability, make up for the sealing surface Angle in the process of our processing deviation, this damper is called elastic brake.
parallel slide gate valve gate valve refers to is the ram are parallel, the same gate is divided into single ram and double ram.
stem gate valve stem head when opening and closing the valve lift, namely can see stem movement ( Not rotating lifting only) , the so-called non-rising stem gate valve in the open/close the valve stem can only rotate without lifting.
2, working principle and characteristics of gateopening and closing a gate valve is ram, ram movement direction perpendicular to the direction of flow and the valve can only be fully open and close, not to adjust and throttling. Gate valve seal has since sealing and forced sealing two kinds. Sealing surface can only rely on medium pressure to seal, that is, to rely on medium pressure to press the sealing face of gate to the other side of the seat to ensure sealing face seal, this is the seal. Forced sealing refers to the gate is closed, to rely on outside force forced the ram pressure to the seat, to ensure the sealing surface sealing.
when while opening the valve gate hoisting height is equal to valve size 1:1 times, fluid channels open completely, but at runtime, the position cannot be monitored. Actual use, is the stem apex as a sign, that is fixed position, as its full open position. To consider locking phenomenon in a temperature change, usually in the open to the vertex positions, pour 1/2 - back 1, as the full open position of the valve. The valve fully open position, therefore, according to the location of the damper ( The trip) To determine.
gate valve has the following characteristics.
the advantages are:
2. 1, small fluid resistance, sealing surface Chong brush and erosion by the medium.
2。 2, open and close more effort.
2。 3 the flow direction of medium, not restricted, disturbed flow, reduce the pressure.
2。 4, the structure of the form is simple, short length, good manufacturing technology, wide application scope.
faults are:
2. 5, easy cause surface erosion and abrasion, maintenance is difficult.
2。 6, appearance size is larger, open needs certain space, open and close time is long.
2。 7 and complicated structure.
3, gate valve installation and maintenance of the matters that should be paid attention3. 1, hand wheel, lever and transmission mechanism are not allowed for lifting, and it is forbidden to collision.
3。 2, double disc gate valves should be installed vertically ( The stem in a vertical position, the handwheel at the top) 。
3。 3, with a bypass valve gate valve in open open the bypass valve should be taken before, To balance the import and export of pressure difference and reduce the opening force) 。
3。 4, belt transmission mechanism of the gate, according to the regulations of the product instruction manual installation.
3。 5, if the valve switch is used, often lubrication at least once a month.
3。 June, installation position and height must comply with the design requirements, the connection should be firmly connected.
3。 7, all kinds of manual valve installed on the thermal insulation pipe, handle shall not down.
3。 A visual inspection must be conducted before eight, valve installation, the valve nameplate should be consistent with existing national standards 'universal signal valve GB12220 rules.
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