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Introduction to the Effective Treatment of Air-Conditioning Water Balance Valve


The automatic constant pressure differential valve + electric regulating valve is currently a very good method for solving the balance of the air conditioning water system. When the pressure of the system changes, the constant pressure differential valve can change the two sides of the electric regulating valve by changing its own flow area. The pressure difference remains the same, so that the CV value of the regulating valve is always one, so as to ensure that the electric regulating valve has been running under the most ideal working conditions. The real change of water volume is only related to temperature and not to pressure, and can be guaranteed to enter the air conditioning The amount of water in the tank is the amount of water you need at any moment. So that the performance of the system is more superior and maintenance is more convenient.

Submersible mixers use automatic constant pressure differential valve + electric regulating valve at the end of the system, which can save a lot of balancing valves used in layered control, so it can make the system performance more superior and more convenient for maintenance. The automatic constant pressure difference valve + electric control valve is an important guarantee for the hydraulic balance of the variable flow air conditioning water system. The use of automatic balance proportional integral control valve in the system can bring you many benefits.

1. Because there is no need for system debugging, it saves a lot of trouble, saves a lot of time, and shortens the completion date.

2. Because there is no need to use valve groups and valves for layered control, it saves you more pipe materials, insulation materials and installation costs and time.

3. Keep the water system in balance all the time, so no matter whether the installation is installed in stages or the equipment is used in stages, it will not affect the balance of the water system.

4. Even if it is necessary to change the water system design in some areas due to changes in certain uses at the later stage of the project or after it is put into operation, it will not affect the water system design in other areas and will not affect the water system balance in other areas.

5. Since the entire system is in a dynamic equilibrium state, the refrigeration unit and water pump will operate in the most energy-saving state, saving a lot of operation and maintenance costs.

6. Since the flow balance of the system is carried out automatically, the installation and maintenance are more convenient, and the possibility of human operation to destroy the balance is eliminated.

Comparison of automatic balance proportional integral control valve and static balance valve

The static balance valve is actually a kind of shut-off valve that can accurately set the opening degree. He manually adjusts the local resistance to solve the hydraulic balance problem of the pipeline part of the air conditioning water system. During the initial commissioning of the system, all the valves of the system are at a certain opening, and the commissioning personnel set the opening of each static balance valve one by one according to the original mathematical model (the valve opening is a certain value after setting) However, the resistance distribution curves of different water systems are definitely different and cannot be measured. Therefore, the static balance valve can only fuzzyly and qualitatively control the water flow. For a variable-flow air-conditioning water system, the change in the water volume of each air-conditioning tank is random, the change in the pressure of the entire pipeline system is also unpredictable, and the change in the opening of the regulating valve is also random. So we start from the formula

G (flow rate) = CV * A (valve flow area) * △ P (pressure difference across the valve) can be obtained:

Because the opening of the static balance valve is adjusted to a certain value. Therefore, changes in the pressure difference across the valve will inevitably lead to changes in the flow through the static balancing valve. Therefore, in a variable flow system, when the system pressure changes, the static balance valve cannot solve the problem of hydraulic imbalance. It will still cause overcurrent and undercurrent of the system.

Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd is a professional valve manufacturer. If you have any questions, welcome to ask us online.

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