Soft sealing butterfly valve with hard seal butterfly valve structure difference
soft sealing butterfly valve, both sides of the seal side is the metal material, on the other side is elastic nonmetallic material called & quot; Soft seal & quot; 。 This seal sealing performance is good, but not high temperature resistant, easy to wear and poor machinery. Such as: steel + rubber; Steel + four fluorine polyethylene; Soft seal USES a certain strength, hardness and heat resistance properties of non-metallic materials, sealed performance is good, can achieve zero leakage, but with poor life and adaptability to temperature. Soft seal part of corrosive material can't meet the technological requirements, hard seal butterfly valves can be solved! The two seal can complement each other, in terms of sealing soft seal is relatively good, but now hard seal sealing can also meet the requirements of corresponding! The advantage of soft sealing disc valve is sealed performance is good, defect is easy ageing, wear and short service life. Hard seal butterfly valves service life is long, but relatively poor than soft sealing butterfly valve sealing.
hard seal butterfly valve refers to both sides of the sealing pair are metal materials or other hard materials is called & quot; Hard seal & quot; 。 Hard seal butterfly valve sealing performance is poor, but high temperature resistance, wear resistance, good mechanical performance. Such as: steel + steel; Steel + copper; Steel + graphite; Steel + alloy steel; ( The steel may also be cast iron, cast steel, alloy steel can also be surfacing welding, spraying alloy) 。
soft sealing butterfly valve and hard seal butterfly valve structure difference:1, the difference of structure: soft sealing butterfly valve for the linear butterfly, hard seal for single eccentric butterfly valve, double eccentric butterfly Industrial Valves, triple eccentric butterfly valves
2, heat resistance, good sealing used in normal temperature environment. Hard seal can be used in low temperature, normal temperature, high temperature environment such as
3, pressure: soft seal low-pressure - Atmospheric pressure, hard seal can also be used in high pressure working conditions, such as
4, sealing performance, soft seal butterfly valve and three partial hardness sealing butterfly valve sealing performance is better, triple eccentric butterfly Industrial Valves in high pressure high temperature environment can maintain a good seal.
in view of the above characteristics, soft seal butterfly valve is suitable for the ventilation and dust removal pipe two-way opening and closing and adjustment, water treatment, light industry, petroleum, chemical industry, etc. Hard seal butterfly valve is used for heating, gas supply, and gas, oil, acid and alkali environment.
with the wide use of butterfly valve, its easy installation, easy maintenance, simple structure and the characteristics of the obvious. Electric soft sealing butterfly valve, pneumatic sealing butterfly valve, hard seal butterfly valve, etc. In a growing number of occasions began to replace the electric gate valves, globe valves, etc.
need huge investment, so it is important to shop with caution.
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