Stainless steel butterfly-valve corrosion reason for solution
Abstract: the corrosion phenomena appeared in the process of stainless steel butterfly valve in use.
After dyeing try face, heat treatment, microstructure analysis, face, such as SEM test analysis, found the key factors for material corrosion because of materials along the grain boundary carbide precipitation form poor chrome area, causing no rust stainless steel butterfly valve.
Material for CF8M stainless steel butterfly in corrosion phenomena appeared in the process of use.
Austenitic stainless steel after normal heat treatment, the organization shall be the austenite at room temperature, corrosion resistant performance is very good.
In order to analyze the corrosion cause of butterfly valve, on which the sample is analyzed.
A test method for sampling for chemical analysis (
Determine whether accord with a standard to ask)
Heat treatment process, microstructure examination and test and SEM analysis.
The experimental results and analysis of 2.
1 the chemical composition of chemical composition analysis results and standard components.
2 metallographic analysis from appearing on the corrosion phenomenon of butterfly Industrial Valves for the metallographic sample, after grinding and polishing, corrosion with ferric chloride aqueous solution, the Neophot -
32 show badge mirror on metallographic observation analysis, the microstructure of austenite and another kind of precipitates.
In theory after normal heat treatment of austenitic stainless steel, austenitic organization should be uniform.
In the organization of the other exudates what organization, there are two kinds of judgment: one is the sigma phase, the other is a carbide.
Sigma facies of the formation of carbides, but has a common characteristic, that is caused by austenitic stainless steel on the sensitivity of intergranular corrosion.
First adopted the sigma phase identification of noise method.
Using alkaline red blood brine solution (
Salt 10 g + red blood potassium hydroxide 10 g + water 100 ml)
, sample after boil 2 ~ 4 min in the reagent, ferrite yellow, carbide corrosion, austenite in bright light, sigma phase changed from brown to black.
With the above method will be cut out from the butterfly Industrial Valves samples in alkaline red blood boiling in saline solution after 4 min, the emblem the microscopic observation, separation material to keep the original topography, found no apparent change.
Therefore decided to adopt the method of heat treatment face test analysis further.
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