Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer

When selecting the valve need to pay attention to what performance?

by:Mech     2020-07-14
1, the sealing performance. sealing performance refers to the sealing parts of valve's ability to prevent leakage of medium, it is the most important technical performance index of the valve. sealing part three: open-close part and seat the contact point between the two sealing surface; Packing match and with the stem and packing gland; The joint of the body and bonnet. One former place called internal leakage of leakage, known as the closed lax, it will affect the Industrial Valves truncation medium capacity. For block valve type, the internal leakage is not allowed. After the two called the leakage of leakage, the medium from leaking to the outside of the valve from the valve. Leakage would cause material loss, environmental pollution, serious when still can cause accidents. For flammable and explosive, toxic or radioactive medium, leakage is not allowed, so the valve must have a reliable sealing performance.

2, flow medium. Medium flow through the valve will produce the pressure difference between before and after, after the valve has a certain resistance to the flow of medium, medium to overcome the resistance of the valve will consume a certain amount of energy, so the design and manufacture of valves, as far as possible to reduce the valve for liquid medium resistance, reduce energy consumption.

3, opening and closing force and the moment of opening and closing. Open/close force and open-close torque is to point to open or close the Industrial Valves must be imposed by force or torque. Close the valve, the need to make the open-close part and send a form a seal between the two sealing surface pressure, but also overcome the friction stem and other parts of the friction force, therefore, in the process of opening and closing, the valve must exert closing force and close moment, so the design and manufacture of valves should strive to reduce the closing force and close moment.

4, opening and closing speed. opening and closing speed is to use the time needed to complete the open or close a action. Typically on the valve opening and closing speed without strict requirements, but some of the operating mode of opening and closing speed have special requirements, such as some requirements quickly turned on or off, in case of an accident, slowly closing some requirements, to prevent to produce water hammer, etc. , it should be taken into consideration when selecting Industrial Valves type.

5, the service life. It said the valve durability, is an important performance index of the valve, and has great economic significance. Usually to ensure the sealing requirements of opening and closing times, use time can also be used to say.

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