Basic parameters of electric valve electric actuator is introduced
electric valve body is made up of electric actuators and valves. Of valve electric actuator is realized program control, automatic control and remote control of the indispensable equipment, because the operation of electric valves in the valve of the power source is through the electric actuator, it can by travel, torque, or to control the size of the axial thrust. Due to the working characteristic of valve electric device and work efficiency depends on the type of valve, the device specification and the position of the valve in the pipeline or equipment, therefore, the correct selection of valve electric device, to prevent overload phenomenon, Work torque is higher than the control torque) Is of crucial importance. Usually, the basis of correct selection of the valve electric actuator are as follows: operating torque: operating torque is the most important parameters, selection of valve electric actuator valve electric actuator output torque should be operating maximum moment of 1. 2 to 1. 5 times.
operating thrust: the host structure of valve electric device has two kinds: one kind is not configured thrust plate, direct output torque; The other is a configuration thrust plate, the output torque by thrust plate stem nut into output thrust.
output shaft rotation circle count: the number of laps valve electric actuator output shaft rotation with nominal diameter of the valve, the valve stem thread pitch, thread, according to M = H/ZS computing ( M for electric devices should satisfy the total number of rotating ring, H is height of Industrial Valves opens, S for stem drive screw pitch, Z for the stem thread) 。
stem diameter: for multi-turn rising stem valves, if electric device allows the largest stem diameter can't through the stem of the valve, cannot assemble into electric valve. As a result, the inner diameter of the hollow output shaft electric actuator must be greater than rising stem valves stem diameter. In parts of rotary valve and multi-turn valves non-rising stem valves, although need not consider stem diameter through the problem, but also should fully consider when selecting the valve stem diameter and the size of the keyway, after assembly to work properly.
the above information provided by the Industrial Valves for you!
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