How to Select the Right Valve for Application
High-rise building fire water supply reduce pressure valve partition set research discussion
Full close condition: when the main Industrial Valves inlet side of the water in the body and stem room (
The needle valve open)
Outside of the ball valve, main valve to close.
Floating condition: adjust the main valve opening between the outside of the ball, make achieving equilibrium of the flow through the needle valve and ball valve.
Have a P1 & gt;
P, P1S1>
P2S2 + Fs, under the pressure of water utility, open the valve.
Site keywords: reduce the pressure valve high-rise building fire water supply pressure in 90 times since 2000, with the high-speed development of economic construction, per the livelihood of the people's living standard, the growth of high-rise building is number to start construction in large cities.
Construction technology of building water supply and drainage technology of ten a small group, also obtained the speedy progress, new material, new facilities, new technology to achieve widespread application.
So first briefly hydrodynamic stem valves.
There P1 before the water pressure of valve, S1 to the water pressure on the disc before the utility plane or the size of the object surface;
Utility in valve after pressure for P2S2 + Fs, the P2 for valve after water pressure inside, S2 for valve after water pressure on the disc utility plane, or the size of the object surface, the Fs for utility in the disc spring force.
Condition of the whole paper: when the main valve inlet side of the water can not enter the stem room (
The needle valve closed)
Outside of the ball valve, main valve to open.
Also consider problem to fire hydrant hose and the approval of the general office pressure steel pipe pressure value, our country 'high regulation' regulation: lowest fire hydrant fire hydrant system for water in most hydrostatic pressure should not be greater than zero.
The rules and regulations of the flowing: semi-automatic fountain out the waters and unified network management office pressure should not be greater than 1.
Pressure relief except to prevent the pipe pressure than the office.
back-end pressure can maintain fixed unchanged forever, and will not due to the pressure variation of the front end change subsequently.
Hydrodynamic stem valve just as its name implies is to use network in the water to contain the valve opening and closing and opening of the valve.
Have P1S1 = P2S2 + F2, at this time the main valve in floating condition.
When pressure reducing valve guide sensor to the downstream pressure below the set value, debug release pressure of main valve stem room as soon as possible. we have made the disc level appropriate to open;
When reduce the pressure sensor to the downstream end between the wizard reach or exceed the set value, to make the main valve stem chamber accumulator for Marine valve or close the valve opening smaller.
Based on hydrodynamic stem performance and office principle reducing pressure valve, and joint project practical examples, this paper discusses the hydrodynamic stem reducing pressure valve application in the high-rise building fire water supply.
Only give waters on high-rise building fire water system partition power stem applications publish plain reducing pressure valve is not deep.
When the ball valve to reduce the pressure on the main valve guide valve, and the lower pressure guide valve after pick up into the valve end, just change the hydrodynamic stem valves to hydrodynamic system to reduce the pressure valve.
Hydrodynamic stem valve consists of a main valve and the outside of the needle valve, valve guide combination valve, etc.
1 high-rise building fire fighting supplies partition high-rise building fire fighting supplies partition should be on the basis of building height, pipeline and fire-fighting facilities, use and construction cost factors such as voting.
When the valve back-end flow change, can reduce pressure valve also won't happen traffic word integral expression is not enough or valve back-end pressure reduction.
Its action principle as follows: the hydrodynamic stem valves, pressure before the valve for utility P1S1.
Under the spring utility, the valve closed.
In high-rise building supplies partition, reduce the pressure valve is widely used at the same time, also experienced spring pressure lowered net -
The proportion type reducing pressure valve -
Hydrodynamic stem three progress to reduce pressure valve.
Abstract: based on the principle and the method of partition the high-rise building supplies, by reducing pressure Industrial Valves are used as partition.
Hydrodynamic stem from the principle of reducing pressure valve can see its good performance, it can do any time on the basis of inkstone field demand appropriate debugging lower pressure ratio, are not affected by the body's own limit.
At this time, the valve before the same as the stem chamber pressure, namely P1S1 = P2S2.
Hydrodynamic stem between lower stress by reducing pressure valve guide sensor to sense the back-end pressure and restrict the main valve, to reduce pressure.
And also can prevent the water hammer form noise and vibration, at the same time also will not lead to lower building fire water supply pressure is too large, is not convenient to use HeJinLiu water more than standard.
On the basis of the use of different target, function and place, can morph into a floating ball valve, remote sensing on water valve, reduce the pressure valve, relief valve, slow close check valve, etc.
There are three kinds of fire fighting supplies the basic way of partition: connecting parallel partition, partition, a rise in partition 2 lower stress under the hydrodynamic stem reduce work principle and performance of the hydrodynamic pressure valve stem cut is the basis of the hydrodynamic pressure valve stem valves.
Nowadays, the adoption of flanged gate valve in resilient seated valve industry is quite common.
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It is essential to know the basic functioning of to help us understand the components and the part they play.
Nowadays, the adoption of flanged gate valve in resilient seated valve industry is quite common.
Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd. will make a healthy profit for its owners and provide a rewarding work environment for its employees.
Deeper connections between Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd. and customers can be made when we're thinking out of the box and meeting outside of manufacturing work.
It is essential to know the basic functioning of to help us understand the components and the part they play.