Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer

How to improve the stainless steel ball valve sealing

by:Mech     2020-10-18

stainless steel ball valve sealing in the valve is also play a key role in practical operation, today we teach people how to improve it for stainless steel ball Industrial Valves sealing. In order to keep the stainless steel ball Industrial Valves in the sealing medium pressure is lower, sphere and seal must be formed between certain preload pressure. In rigid seal seat, stainless steel ball valve working reliability and service life; Clip in the correct selection of sealing the amount of precompression.

in order to ensure that the stainless steel ball valve in the sealing medium pressure is lower, the ball and seal must be formed between certain preload pressure. In rigid seal seat,

stainless steel ball valve working reliability and service life; Clip in the correct selection of sealing the amount of precompression. Enough precompression, cannot guarantee low pressure sealing ball valves: large amount of compression, will result in friction torque between the sphere and the seal seat increases, the influence on the performance of the stainless steel ball valve action; And may cause the plastic deformation of seal seat, lead to seal failure. For ptfe seal seat, the preloaded pressure generally should be 0. 1 PN, and not less than 1. 02MPa。

the amount of precompression rigid seal seat adjustment by changing the sealing gasket thickness, seal adjustment gasket processing error will affect the effect of adjustment: reasonable assembly and adjustment is the key to obtain good sealing. In use, after the seal seat wear and tear, preloaded pressure automatic adjustment ability is very poor, so the service life of the structure of rigid seal seat ball valve is relatively short.

part of the solution is to use seal seat with elastic element. At this point, the amount of precompression and adjustment no longer rely on the sealing gasket and implementation by elastic elements. With elastic element of the seal seat besides can obtain the necessary amount of pre compression, but also within the scope of the elastic deformation of elastic element for preloaded pressure compensation, therefore, the service life of ball valve is relatively long.

solve stainless steel ball valve sealing is the key to the structure of seal seat and seal material selection. According to the requirements of the different structure and use, the rational selection of structure form, the seal seat guarantee seal good processing manufaturability: choose the excellent performance, to adapt to the requirements of sealing material, meet the requirement of ball valve sealing, and improve the reliability and service life of ball Industrial Valves work, is the key consideration of ball valve design improvements in the problem.

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