Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer

How to trap antifreeze protection

by:Mech     2020-06-30

selection, installation suitable as long as there is steam trap, won't appear frozen. But if the steam is broken, the steam condensate will or in the heat exchanger tube to form a vacuum. This will prevent before freezing water discharge from the system free. So, to be emissions equipment and install a vacuum breaker between trap. If from the trap to return pipe instead of using gravity discharge, drain Industrial Valves and discharge line should be with artificial emissions or using discharge tube automatic with antifreezing measures. Also, when multiple trap installed in trap stand together, to trap heat preservation to prevent freezing.

anti-freezing measures are as follows: 1. The size of the trap don't choose too big. 2. Keep the drain line trap as short as possible. 3. Downward sloping trap discharge pipeline, in order to accelerate the rate of gravity discharge. 4. Drain line and the condensate trap backwater pipes with insulation. 5. When the condensate water pipe when exposed to atmospheric conditions, consideration should be given with heat pipe. 6. If higher return pipe, vertical discharge tube to the back to the upper manifold adjacent pipe, and the discharge pipe and the drain Industrial Valves discharge pipe insulation.

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