How to Select the Right Valve for Application
Parsing of steam trap performance requirements
Function of use and the use of steam trap devices only need to steam.
In this equipment must be produced in the condensate water is harmful to the fluid, but also mixed with air and other gas condensate, become the cause of equipment failure and reduce performance.
The action of steam traps in principle is fully open or close, open and close action.
Depending on the type, also may have two types, that is, continuous and intermittent discharge.
1, can rule out all the condensate steam system in any place.
Must be able to trap can rule out the use of equipment of steam is high and accurately piping, heat exchanger, such as the main device and any part of the condensate steam system.
2, can discharge air and water at the same time.
Mixed with steam equipments in the air, the original is mixed in the steam, the steam into water when it is separated out.
The formation of air layer on the surface of the heat transfer in steam using equipment, seriously affect the heat conduction, air must therefore be ruled out.
3, apply pressure range.
For trap, if the pressure changes its performance is affected slightly, even stop movement is not, in this case you need it performance is not affected, and can adapt to any pressure.
Also asked that the back pressure of the steam trap is permissible.
4, easy to repair and maintenance.
The requirements and trap structure.
The trap has simple structure, less moving parts.
In order to make the Industrial Valves movement components do not produce stress, should be the day to choose appropriate materials, more important is its structure is easy to be processed.
In a word, the steam trap shall not set full-time personnel on management regular maintenance work, that is to reduce the maintenance cost.
5 and high practicability.
Trap should be small volume, light weight, high service life, low price, and don't loss due to air or steam barrier drainage capacity, air air blocking and steam vapor lock and other accidents.
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Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd. has various branches in different countries worldwide.
Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd. will continue to bring our industry nuances of style and approaches to resilient wedge gate valve which are consistent with our evolving aspirations.
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