Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer

Pneumatic Marine valve actuator accessories is introduced

by:Mech     2020-11-18

pneumatic Marine valve actuator accessories introduction

specific execution system or actuator requires quick travel speed, the signal conversion by a medium to another position signal and relay, etc. Under such conditions, the pneumatic Marine valve actuator contains parts help to complete this task. Ideally, fittings installed directly on a valve in place to ensure that users understand the accessories parts, although some accessories not installed directly on a valve, but the user must determine the accessories parts.

accessories can be directly by the valve factory production, but in most cases, the accessory is by a separate pneumatic Marine valve factory production and procurement by the valve manufacturer. manufacturers often should include the description in the Industrial Valves shipment. Instructions can be attached on the fittings can also be included in the manual valve and actuator. Keep the valve or actuator and accessories all of the files is important, because it details the installation and operating instructions. If no spare parts in the shipping documents manual contact with the manufacturer.

either pneumatic or Marine valve hydraulic actuator, the filter is the most basic parts. Filter is designed to filter the impurity content of power source medium or other fluid or solid foreign impurities. These impurities will pollute actuator system, locator, or other accessories. As shown in figure 5. Shown in 48, filter installed between power source and actuators or locator. In general, the filter installed in the headwaters of accessories to ensure that the fluid in into the actuator or locator has been before it. Most filters are installed with a pipe joint or support on the actuator or locator. With a small hole on the filter filter Jane or - Series of mesh ( A typical screen hole diameter is Sum) 。 Filter or strainer stop any larger diameter of particles, the particles can block the locator inside the small channel, pollution metal activity components ( Such as the piston) Or damage to the elastomer ( For example, the actuator rod ring 0) 。

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