The advantages and disadvantages of American standard stainless steel gate valve/gate valve American standard and types - He valve
stainless steel gate valve advantages first, American standard gate valve has the following advantages: 1. Fluid resistance small, seal face brush erosion is medium. 2. Is more efficient to open and close. 3. Medium flow direction is not restricted, no disturbance, no stress. Four. Simple shape, short length, good manufacturing process, widely used. Gate valve faults are as follows: 1. Prone to corrosion and wear surface, maintenance difficulties. 2. The second step. Shape size, hole needs certain space, open and close time is long. The kinds of types of braces; According to the sealing surface configuration, wedge gate valve can be divided into wedge gate valve and parallel gate valve. Wedge gate can be divided into single gate, double gate and elastic gate; Parallel to the valve can be divided into single gate and double gate. According to the threads of the valve stem position, can be divided into the Ming bar type and dark bar type two kinds. Gate valve installation and maintenance should be paid attention to the following: 1. Can not lift the handwheel, handle and transmission mechanism, it is strictly prohibited collision. 2. Double gate valves should be installed vertically ( The stem in a vertical position, the handwheel is at the top) 。 3. Take the bypass valve gate valve should be opened before (open To balance the pressure difference of imports and exports, reduce the opening force) 。 The fourth chapter. Belt transmission mechanism of the gate valves should be installed according to the product specification. 5. If often open and close the valve, lubrication once a month at least.
come in many forms, like resilient seal gate valve and resilient valve, and they all provide efficient solution for our os&y valve needs.
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Even wedge valve are being made fine with advanced equipment.
We persevere in keeping the customers pleasant and supporting them with resilient wedge gate valve at a reasonable price.