Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer

The diaphragm vacuum valve installation and maintenance

by:Mech     2020-08-06
(1) the valve should be kept clean in a dry room; , (2) long-term stored should be regularly check the maintenance, removal of sealing surface and the body of the oxidation corrosion layer, regularly to replace aging of rubber diaphragm; (3) before installation should connect the inner cavity of valve and sealing surface according to the requirements of vacuum cleaning; (4) of the valve installation position can be according to the need to install in any direction; Such as after maintenance assembly (5) Industrial Valves, vacuum performance test must be conducted. is the possibility of fault and its eliminating method shown in the following table. Possible reason drop down to eliminate the cause of bad sealing 1. Sealing surface dirt attached 2. 3 sealing surface damage. The diaphragm damaged or aging. Clear the dirt clean 2. Repair or replace 3. Replace not flexible for opening and closing or not opening and closing. On the valve stem threads are bad or have dirt 2 product. Stem nut thread has serious wear and tear or rupture 3. Stem only 1. Maintenance thread or remove dirt 2. Replacement of stem nut. 3. Correction of the valve stem or change the new
There are a wide variety of which are scientifically tested to have positive effects on the ability to resilient seated valve. os gate valve water gate valve is one of them.
Mech is also committed to maintaining excellence, respect, and integrity in all aspects of our operations and our professional and business conduct.
Shenzhen Mech Valve Trading Co., Ltd. undertakes all maintenance duties for rising stem gate valve facilities and organizations and conducts all the security and surveillance for the properties.
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