The selection of steam trap
1。 According to the actual working condition of using steam trap of inlet and outlet pressure differential. Steam inlet pressure of the steam trap is due to the fluctuation in the steam pressure or temperature regulating Industrial Valves throttle, steam trap at the entrance to the minimum working pressure; Outlet pressure of the steam trap is refers to the steam trap may be formed after the highest work back pressure, when the atmosphere, the actual pressure differential steam drain Industrial Valves inlet pressure. 2. According to the steam heating equipment in the normal work of the condensation water, multiplied by the correction coefficient k, and then according to the displacement of the steam trap. 3. Condensation water can use the following method: ( 1) Pipeline operation when the condensation water Q = q0L ( 1 - Z / %) ( kg/h) , this formula: Q: condensation of water ( kg/h) Condensation of water (q0: light tube kg/h) L: the distance between the point of hydrophobic ( m) Z: thermal efficiency ( %) ( 2) Produced by the steam heating equipment operation of condensation water Q = VrC delta T/Ht, this formula: Q: condensation of water ( kg/h) V: the volume of a heated object ( m3) R: the density of heated objects ( kg/ m3) C: the specific heat of liquid ( kcal/kg. OC) Delta T: liquid temperature ( OC) H: steam latent heat ( 千卡/公斤) T: heating time 4. Recommended in the table 1 under the working condition of the common use correction coefficient K value, the selection of reference for trap users. 5. Various types of steam trap structure and the principle is different, the performance is not the same, can be used according to different occasions when choose, choose a different steam trap. Steam trap protection facilities trap with by-pass pipe and without by-pass pipe; Have the condensate recovery and recycling condensation points. Large displacement, and other special requirements of the steam trap, can be used in the form of parallel installation facilities.
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