The steam pressure reducing valve - unstable factors-Mech Valve
steam pressure reducing valve outlet pressure, frequent fluctuations beyond the regulation, even lose the function of voltage regulation, after long-term observation found that not one of the main reasons for the valve itself, but rather the condensate system. Based on the research of the relief structure and related function, because of the characteristic of the valve structure itself, condensate will accumulate in the valve. All details of the principle of the pressure reducing valve work analysis showed that the condensed water is harmful to the regulating function of the pressure reducing valve. To separate and purify the condensate system, namely to ensure the normal dry steam supply, is the key to the pressure-relief device and stable operation. For this, put forward the pressure-relief device design and basic requirements of the relevant measures. At the same time, should realize the direct object of pressure-relief devices Z is mainly for pressure vessel. '' the overpressure is the temperature, the quality of the product and equipment safety direct threat, attaches great importance to it. Someone said that the domestic pressure reducing valve technology is better than imported pressure reducing valve. Late pressure instability, short service life. Not soon after work. Because of the pressure reducing valve is out of control, the relief valve pressure relief screeched. This not only waste energy, but also directly affect the safe operation of the equipment. Some units have been imported valves, still appear afore-mentioned problems in a short time after use. Through the investigation of a large number of out of control device ( Of course, does not exclude the problems existing in the valve itself) , a common phenomenon is accumulated a lot of water in the valve, there are many new valves has just been put into use, in system design did not take effective measures to remove the condensate. Test shows that most of the valve in the condensate to exclude can run normally, the enlightenment is the condensate is one of the main cause of the pressure-relief device is out of control.
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