The use of check valve which items should be paid attention to
check valve should be paid attention to the use of what item
a. Check valves should avoid the use of the following situations: caused by valve closing excessively high shock pressure; A rapid motion vibration valve is closed.
in order to avoid because of the close the valve to form a high shock pressure, the valve must be closed quickly, so as to prevent the formation of great put back the clock speed, the speed of the back is formed when the Industrial Valves is closed when all of a sudden shock pressure, so the Industrial Valves closed speed downstream medium should be performed and the attenuation of correct matching. However, the attenuation rate of downstream medium in liquid systems may be changed a lot. For example, if the liquid system USES a set of parallel pumps, of which a pump failure, suddenly in the failure of the pump outlet check valve must be almost at the same time to shut down. In addition, if only one pump, liquid system and the pump suddenly failed, and like a duct is longer, and the outlet pressure and pumping pressure head is low, the closing speed of the smaller check Industrial Valves is better.
the valve if moving parts wear too fast, will lead to premature valve failure. In order to prevent this happening, rapid oscillation generated a closing action must be avoided.
the ideal situation is not often available, for example, if the downstream medium speed range is big, the minimum flow rate is not enough to force shut down steadily stop. In this case, close a movement can be used within the scope of the action of a damper to suppress. If the medium for the pulsating flow, the check valve should be placed away from pulse source location as much as possible. Shut down a rapid oscillation can also be caused by severe disturbance of medium, where there is this kind of situation, the check valve should be placed in medium minimum disturbance.
as a result, the first step in the right use of check valve is to grasp the valve's working condition.
b。 Quickly determine the check valve. In most practical use, the check valve can only qualitatively identified for fast shut. Each of the following can be used as a judgment:
I. Closed units from open to closed position of the stroke should be as short as possible. Therefore, from the closing speed of this smaller than the larger diameter of the similar structure of the valve, valve closing speed is bigger.
二世。 Before check valve should be in the back, under the maximum possible downstream medium speed, starting from the full open position closed, to get the most close time.
我。 Close a inertia should be as small as possible but closing force should be appropriately, in order to make sure the downstream medium speed down to make the fastest response. From the point of view, low inertia, closed can consider to use of lightweight materials, such as aluminum and titanium. In order to have the closing of the lightweight material and high closing force, produced by the weight of the closed a closing force of the spring force available to strengthen them.
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