Professional Industrial Valves Manufacturer

Valve industry development trend analysis of the energy sector will become the development emphasis

by:Mech     2020-11-17
is to point to by changing the flow area of the size of the control of fluid flow, pressure and flow of the device, is a fluid conveying system in the control unit, a diversion, river closure, regulation, throttle, preventing backflow, shunt or unloading overflow, etc. Rely on the drive or automatic valve institutions make open-close part make lifting, sliding, rotary pendulum or rotary movement, so as to change the size of the port in order to realize the control function. Higher proportion valve in mechanical products, is the oil, chemical industry, power stations, long-distance pipelines, shipbuilding, nuclear industry, aerospace and Marine sectors of the national economy such as oil indispensable fluid control equipment. Used for fluid control valve, from the simplest cutting device to the extremely complex control system, its various varieties and specifications. is small to gauge valve for space is very small, to size up to several meters, weighing more than ten tons of industrial piping valve; Working pressure 1000 mpa from vacuum to ultra-high pressure; Working temperature can be from Ultra-low temperature of 269 ℃ to 1430 ℃ high temperature; Transmission mode can be manual, pneumatic, hydraulic, electric and electric - Gas, electricity linkage - Hydraulic linkage, and even the electromagnetic drive, etc. ; In pressure, temperature and other forms under the action of the sensing signal, action, according to the requirement of the reservation or not depend on the sensor signals and simple open or closed; Can be used to control air, water, steam, chemical corrosion medium, mud, liquid metal and radioactive substances such as various types of fluid flow. The size of the market forecast forecast 2014 - global industrial valves The 2020 global industrial valves will be annual growth of 4. 3% in 2020, will exceed $100 billion. At the same time demand forecast in 2014 ~ 2020 industrial valve order for Asia Pacific, Africa/Middle East, central and South America, eastern Europe, North America, Western Europe. 2014 - In 2020, the size of the market statistics and forecast global industrial valves. Data sources: public information, forward-looking industry research institute. China industrial valve size of the market forecast released by forward-looking industry research institute of the valve manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading of production and marketing demand forecasting and analysis report, statistics show that China's industrial valve market in 2020 will exceed 20 billion yuan. From 2014 to 2020, the overall market growth will gradually slow, but growth rate remained at 10% 6%, at the same time, market is expected to usher in a new cycle, after 2020 is expected to reach 27 billion yuan in 2025. 2014 - In 2020 China's industrial valve market scale statistics and forecast. Data sources: public information, forward-looking industry research institute. Is expected in the next few years, with the rapid development of our economy and the improvement of industrial automation, transition and upgrade the equipment manufacturing industry in our country, and the state in oil and gas, petrochemical, environmental protection, electric power, metallurgy and other fields of investment growth, the overall scale of China's market of control valve will maintain rapid growth. China's industrial Industrial Valves market demand structure analysis in the global market demand of industrial valves, including drilling, transportation and petrochemical, oil and gas sector accounted for the highest, reached 37. 40%, followed by the energy demand in the field of electricity and chemical industry, respectively, the market demand of 21 global industrial valves. 30% and 11. 50%, the top three in the field of market demand for total 70 of all the market demand. 20%. And in the field of application of domestic industrial valves, chemical, energy, electricity and oil and gas industry is also the most main valve sales market, the market demand of valve domestic industry accounted for the valve 25 in total market demand. 70%, 20. 10% and 14. 70%, the total of all the market demand of 60. 50%. China's industrial valve market demand structure. Data sources: prospective industry research institute. Four short analysis 1 valve industry. Industrial structure is unreasonable, overcapacity serious valve industry high-speed development after a few years ago, excessive expansion of industrial capacity, market environment, while the aggregate demand has increased year by year, but has fallen far behind the pace of supply capacity growth, such as ball valve, gate valve, cut-off valve, the product homogeneity competition. The valve industry development present situation analysis, the product quality is not high, which restrict the development of the industry for a long time the key core technology had been backward, industrial management, the lack of well-known brands, the development pattern of contradictions, such as has been the industry transformation and upgrading is urgently needed. 2. Independent innovation ability is weak, product quality is not high Japanese companies according to the fluid mechanics, the faucet in installation of a throttle valve, to control the flow of water, prevent water splashing onto the clothes; It's hard to do but domestic enterprises, it is also the foreign faucet can sell for 10000 yuan of above, can only be sold to the domestic hundreds of yuan even dozens of yuan. industry development present situation analysis, the enterprise should strengthen technology innovation, from the quantity, scale expansion to focus more on the pursuit of quality, efficiency, promote the healthy development of China's valve industry. Other small and medium-sized enterprises valve and is limited by technical barriers, can consider the diversity of floor heating is demand of valve such as the big emerging niche, strengthen engineering supporting ability, enhancing the added value of the products.
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